AAT-Division of Work Science
ABC - Computer Club (Sweden)
ACE North Florida PC Hardware/Software Resellers
Acer Sertek Inc., Taiwan
ADC Telecommunications
Advanced Micro Devices
Affordable Pagers and Paging Services
Algorithm, Inc.
Amdahl Corporation
AmeriCom Long Distance Service
AMI Associates security
Apple Computer
Applied Rural Telecommunications - Information Center
ATI Technologies Inc.
AT&T Accelerated Learning
AT&T Bell Laboratories
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Computing Research
AT&T, GIS Corporate
AT&T Information Services Network Newsletters, January 1995
AT&T, You Will
Bell Atlantic
Bell Atlantic, Center for Networked Multimedia
BellSouth MFJ Task Force
Bentley MAINline
BroadVision Inc.
Cayman Systems, Inc
Cellular One
ClariNet Communications
COMDEX/Fall `94
COMDEX Photographic Tour
Communications & Telecommunications WWW
Compaq Computer Corporation
CompUSA, Illinois
Compustat (South Africa)
Computer and Communications
Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV), Germany
Computer Network Security Reference Index
Computer Operations Audit and Security Technology, COAST
Computer System Sciences, Sweden
Computerpeople, Tampa Bay's largest computer consulting firm
Computing WWW
Computone Corporation
Connecticut PC Users Group
Connector GmbH, Germany
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Cray Research
Cray Computer Corporation
Creative Labs
CyberCash, Inc
CyberImel Kyoto, Japan
Cybernetics and Systems Theory
DACOM, Korea
Data Exchange Corporation
Data General
dataOriginal, Sweden
Data Processing Management Association (DPMA)
DCI's Data Warehousing Conference
Dell Computer
Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc
DigiCash Netherlands
Digital Equipment Corporation
Digital Equipment, Sweden
Diskovery Educational Systems' Electronic Pricing Guide
Display Tech (Computers to Video)
Display Tech Multimedia, Inc.
Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems
Distributed ELectronic Telecommunications Archive (DELTA)
Dutch national broadcasting company, VPRO
ECRC European Computer Industry Research Centre
Eicon Technology Corporation
Electronic Circuit Design EEB, Netherlands
Equifax National Decision Systems
Ericsson, Netherlands
ESPRIT Networks of Excellence
European Computer-Industry Research Center
Fairfax Electronic Commerce Resource Center
Federal Information Exchange
Folio Corporation Comdex Spring 95
Fractal Design Corporation
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD), Germany
Front Range Consortium
Fujitsu Limited
Gateway Users International
General Electric
Gulf Coast Florida Internet Company
GRC Guide to Ribbons and Cartridges
GTE Laboratories
HaL Computer Systems
Harris Computer Systems Corporation
Harris Electronics, Melmac
Harris Semiconductor
Hewlett-Packard's Dutch Technical Workstation Users Group
Hewlett-Packard, U.S. Federal Government Server
Honeywell Inc.
ICL ProSystems, Sweden AB
ICMUG Executive Board Members
InContext Systems
InfoLink Company (Hong Kong)
Integrated Systems Inc.
Intel, Paragon Supercomputers
Intel, Scalable Systems Division
Interactive Graphics Systems Group (GRIS), Germany
International Management Counselors Corporation
Internet Disc Shoppe
Iona Technologies
iPOINT Testbed for Optical/Electronic ATM Networking
IS Robotics Corporation
KC Computers
Lawrence Livermore Lab Computer and Communications Entry Page
Lawrence Livermore Lab Computer and Communications link page
Lexmark International, Inc.
Magellan Systems Corporation
Magnacom Data Products, Inc.
Mail Boxes Etc.
Malin Space Science Systems
MARK-ITT, Communication Company, Russia
Maui High Performance Computing Center
Maxwell Technologies S-Cubed
MCI, Government Systems
Microchip Technology Inc.
Micro Computer Systems, Inc.
Microplex Systems Ltd.
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft's Advanced Technology division
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
Mitsubishi Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Molecular OptoElectronics Corporation
Monarch Color Company
Morse Telecommunication, Inc
Mosaic Communications Corporation
Multimedia Systems Institute of Crete
New Marketing Imperatives Roundtable
NASA, ACTS high speed telecommunications
National Coordination Office for HPCC
National Media Lab Storage Technology Network
National Information Infrastructure Bluebook
National Offsite Storage
National Supercomputer Center, Sweden
NEC Japan
NECX Direct On-Ramp Computer Supplies vendor
Netscape Communications
Netsurfer Communications
Network Appliance Corporation
Neural and Multimedia Center, Japan
NeXT Computer, Inc
Nippon Telephone and Telegraph NTT
NIST Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse
Novell Inc.
NSF MetaCenter Computational Science Highlights
Olivetti Advanced Technology Center
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Pacific Bell
P.A.S.T fully functional audio rack for the PC
PC Card '95 The PCMCIA Conference & Exhibition
PC User Group WWW -- User Groups of the World
Performance Systems International PSI
Point Communications Corportation
Prices of used PCs and Macintoshes
Quest Technologies
Rank Xerox Research Centre
Rockwell World Headquarters
Rockwell International, NASA/MOD AIS Security Engineering Team
Rockwell Telecommunications DCD
Russia House
San Diego Supercomputer Center SDSC GN
Science Horizons, Inc
Silicon Graphics' Web Wax Contest
Sparco Communications
Stanford Computer Industry Project (SCIP)
Stanford University U.S.-Japan Technology Management
Sun Microsystems
SunSITE Japan
Supercomputing Servers
Swedish Institute for Systems Development
Stanford Yahoo Computers subdirectory
Tachyon Communications Corporation
Taligent, Inc.
Tandem Computers
Technology Reinvestment Project
Telenex Corporation, AR Test Systems
TelTECH Computer Consulting
Tenagra Corporation
Toshiba Internet
Tri-County Telephone Co., Inc. Richmond, Indiana
UCL MICE Multimedia Conferencing European Researchers
United Technologies
United Technologies Human Computer Interaction Laboratory
U.S. Department of Commerce Factory Automation Systems Division
Vendors Online
Virtual Reality for Manufacturing Case Studies
Wall Data, Inc
Warp, not IBM's
Western Digital Corporation
WorldTrade Consortium Weston, CT, US
Xerox Lexical Technology
Xerox, PARC
Xerox Products and Services
X Inside Incorporated
YIS Server, Japan
Young-Eum's Communication Information Page
Your Attache
ZD Exposition and Conference Company