- 3DSite
- Adobe Downloadable Software
- Adobe Photoshop for Sun SPARCStations
- A&M Networking Inc. software
- ArchiePlex
- Arizona Software Association
- BBS Index
- Below Zero/2,
- Bulletin Board Systems
- California ISDN User Group
- Channel 1 BBS
- Children's Software Company
- CDROM Software
- Config.Sys Software
- Contributed Software Germany
- Comprehensive Approach to Reusable Defence Software CARDS
- Countdown! Date Time program
- CU-SeeMe Live Over The Internet
- CSUSM Windows World Shareware
- Crypto Archive
- Cykic Software
- Dell Computer Software
- Dragon Keep BBS
- DTP desktop publisher Internet Jumplist
- E-GLUE 2.0 for Windows/Windows NT
- Envision Inc. grantwriting software
- European Software Institute (ESI) [V 0.2]
- Exec-PC BBS
- Freedom Software Hyperspace center
- Free Software /Shareware Shack
- FTP Sites
- FTP Sites - HARRIS Mountaintop
- Grafic Software Package
- HealthNet Projects preconfigured Internet software optimized to point to health care resources
- Health Sciences Libraries Consortium CBL Software Database
- HENSA Software Archives funded by JISC
- HENSA Archives - funded by JISC
- HPCC National Software Exchange (NSE)
- htmlchek HTML syntax and cross-reference checker version 4.1
- HTML Editors
- HTML Publisher and Editor for Windows, Live Markup WYSIWYG
- HTML Writer
- IBM, New Mexico Federal Web Server - Public Anonymous FTP sites
- Intelligent Software Agents
- Inference Corporation
- Intergraph Free Software
- Internet Adapter (tm)
- Internet Locations for Materials for Applied Cryptography
- Internet NIR--Utilities
- Internet Phone
- InternetWorks
- Lancaster University, Higher Education National Software Archive
- Linux
- Linux Documentation Project
- Linux LDP page mirrors
- Madame D. Calendar Management Script
- Mapedit
- Maui MHPCC Software
- McAfee Antivirus Software
- McDonnell Douglas Computer Aided Software Engineering
- McDonnell Douglas Human Modeling System (MDHMS)
- Microsoft Internet Assistant
- Microsoft Software
- Microsoft Software's Advanced Technology division
- Microsoft Windows Developer Information
- Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre, Europe EMWAC
- Microsoft Windows NT Support Center
- Mosaic from Spyglass
- NASA, Software
- NASA, Software Technology Branch
- National Offsite Storage
- NCSA, FTP Interface
- NCSA Mosaic
- NCSA, Mosaic FAQ: Other Mosaic/WWW Software
- Netcom 1.60 winsock PC's Help Pages
- Netcom Netcruiser 1.60 winsock HELP PAGES
- Netscape Communications
- Netscape Feedback
- Netscape Online Handbook
- NEuroNet, Software
- Novell Product Buyer's Guide
- Oakland Repository - SimTel MS-DOS Primary Mirror Index
- Oakland /SimTel/msdos/
- Open Software Foundation
- Oracle Free Trial Products
- PC User Group WWW -- User Groups of the World
- Personal Library Software
- Pinnacle Software DOS shareware
- Prime Time Freeware
- Qad Software's OS/2 HTML editor
- Quadralay WebWorks
- Shareware Library (1 of 4)
- Shareware Search Engines at FAGG
- Shareware Search Engines Front Desk Mirror site, OAK Repository, Oakland University
- Software
- Software Forum
- Software Management Resource Center collection of free software
- Software Repositories
- Software Repositories
- Software Net
- Software via the Internet
- SpHyDir Project
- Spider's Web Imagebases
- Stevenson Doug's Projects
- Stroud's Consummate Winsock Apps
- Tampa Bay Linux Users Group
- Telecentral CD-ROM Software
- UNIX Beginners
- University of Georgia, COSMIC
- University of Indiana, CICA
- Useful Internet Programs
- Virtual Licensing Office
- Virus protection
- Washington University FTP Archive
- Web Page color tool
- WebWatch Internet watch software
- WEB Wizard for Windows
- West Virginia University, Software Design Network
- Windows 95 Info Page
- Windows Archive
- Windows NT Application Center
- Windows NT Section shareware
- WINGate Technologies
- Winsock Section
- wusage 3.2, Internet Access Usage Software
- Xylogics
- Yale, PC Lube and Tune