ÆGEE-Europe, Student's Organization
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Association des Bibliophiles Universels, France
Australia, Mathematics and Science Education
Australian National University ANU Educational resources
Australian National University Coombspapers FTP Archive
Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
Cambridge University Alternative U.K.
Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
Charles University Slovakia
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Humanities
Chungbuk University, Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Korea
ChungNam National University, Computer Engineering, Korea
City University of Hong Kong
Colleges and Universities
Copenhagen Business School Denmark
Czech Technical University, Computer Graphics Group
Danish Academic Network DENet
Danish Electronic Mathematical Information Retrieval (Dan-EMIR)
Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Delft University Polymer Technology
Department of Teleinformatics, KTH, Sweden
Dundee University School of Architecture U.K.
Ecole Polytechnique, France
Eindhoven University of Technology, Vortex Dynamics Group, Netherlands
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Netherlands
Exeter Theoretical Physics
Fachbereich's Informatik Germany
FhG-IAO Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD), Germany
Georgia Tech Lorraine, France
Goeteborg University Sweden Sweden
Gothenburg University, Samhallsvetenskapliga Datakonsortiet (SDK), Sweden
Haagse Hogeschool Netherlands
Hacettepe University, Department of Physics
Hachinohe Institute of Technology, Japan
Higher Education Information Technology ITTI U.K.
Hogskolan i Karlskrona/Ronneby Sweden
Hokkaido University, Computing Center Japan
Hokkaido University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tanaka Lab, Japan
Hungarian Academy of Sciences ATOMKI Institute of Nuclear Research
Imperial College, Department of Chemistry U.K.
Imperial College, London, SunSITE Northern Europe U.K.
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
Information Technology Training Initiative, U.K.
Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Bayonne, France
Institut für Meteorologie, FU-Berlin: Deutsches Germany
Institute of Media and Communication, Oslo, Norway
International Education Bulletin Board
International Universities
InterUniversity Consortium of North East Italy for Automatic Computing (CINECA), Italy
Istituto di Cibernetica Napoli, Italy
ITR, School of Engineering, Switzerland
James Cook University, Tropical Environment Studies and Geography
Jerusalem School of Business Administration Israel
Joensuun yliopisto - University of Joensuu, Finland
Kagoshima University, Department of Architecture, Japan
Kagoshima University, Mechanical Engineering, Japan
Karolinska Institute Student Campus, Stockholm, Sweden
Korea Graduate School for Information Technology
Korean Institute of Science and Technology KIST, Virtual Dream Lab
Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan
Lancaster University U.K.
Leeds University Department of Music
Leiden University Netherlands
Linkoping University, Applied Electronics, Sweden
Loughborough University of Technology U.K.
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Germany
Luleå University Luleå, Sweden
Lund University, Informatics Sweden
Manchester University, Manchester, UK Medical Informatics Group
Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science Germany
Middle East Technical University METU Turkey
Mie University, School of Medicine, Japan
MIT, College and Universities
Moscow State University, SunSITE Russia
Munich Technical University Germany
National Central University, Inst. of Computer Science Lab, Taiwan
National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
National Taiwan University, Computer Center, Taiwan
National Technical University of Athens, Telecommunications Laboratory
National University of Singapore, SunSITE Singapore
Norwegian Universities & Colleges
NoTAM, Norsk nettverk for Teknologi, Akustikk og Musikk, Norway
Open University of the Netherlands
Open University, U.K.
Oshamambe Campus, Japan
Oxford Brookes University U.K.
Oxford University U.K.
Oxford University Computing Laboratory U.K.
Oxford University Computing Services U.K.
Oxford University Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology U.K.
Pohang University of Science and Technology POSTECH (Korea)
POSTECH (Korea), Computer Systems Laboratory
POSTECH, Human-Computer Interface laboratory
POSTECH (Korea), Intelligent Information System Laboratory
POSTECH (Korea), Nonlinear and Complex Systems Laboratory
Princeton Review U.S.
Queens University Computer Architecture, Belfast U.K.
Raffles Institution News, Singapore
Research Institute for the Humanities, Hong Kong
Regional Technical College Galway, Ireland
Regional Technical College, Limerick, Ireland
Regional Technical College Waterford, Ireland
Riga, Latvia Technical University
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Australia
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, aeronautics Australia
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Engineering, Australia
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Libraries - Millbrook, Australia
Szeged University Association, Hungary
Singapore Ministry of Education MOE
Singapore National University
Singapore Polytechnic
Southampton University U.K.
Stanislaw Staszic University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow Poland
Stockholm University Sweden
Swedish Academy, Nobel Prize Sweden
Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech., Institut d'Automatique
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zuerich
Systems Research Institute, Poland
Tampere Unviersity of Technology, Mathematics, Finland
Teaching with WWW, Italy
Technical University Braunschweig Germany
Technical University of Brno, Faculty of Civil Engeneering Czechoslovakia
Technical University Chemnitz-Zwickau, Germany
Technical University of Denmark, Mathematical Institute
Technical University of Denmark, Microbiology
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Technical University of Vienna, Computer Science Lab, Austria
Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, Germany
Technische Universität München Germany
Teknillinen Korkeakoulu Finland
Tohoku University, Education Center for Information Processing, Japan
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Nemoto Laboratory, Japan
Tohoku University, Institute for Materials Research, Sakurai lab, Japan
Tohoku University, Mathematical Institute, Japan
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
UDC, Electronics and Systems Department D.E.S, Spain
Umea University, Environmental Health, Sweden
UNIFI, Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Italy
United Kingdom Universities
Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM Spain
Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Centro de Microelectronica Aplicada (CMA), Spain
Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Grupo de Ingenieria del Software y del Conocimiento (GISC), Spain
Universita' degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy
Universitaet Leipzig
Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany
Universitat Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians Germany
Universitat Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Germany
Universiteit Twente Netherlands
Universitie de Lausanne Czechoslovakia
Universite Blaise Pascal, Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, France
Universite Louis Pasteur France
Universite d'Orleans France
University College Dublin's Digital Signal Processing Research Group, Ireland
University College, Galway, M.R.I. Server, Ireland
University College London, Department of Physics and Astronomy Starlink Project, U.K.
Universities List
University of Aarhus, Denmark
University of Abertay Dundee U.K.
University of Adelaide, Australia
University of Amsterdam, Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Informatica, Netherlands
University of Antwerp, Belgium UFSIA
University of Auckland New Zeeland
University of Basel, Switzerland Condensed Matter - Physics Department
University of Bath U.K.
University of Bayreuth, Didaktik der Physik, Germany
University of Bayreuth, Experimental Physics V (Low Temperature Physics), Germany
University of Birmingham, U.K.
University of Bologna, Computer Science Italy
University of Bonn, ELSA Electron Accelerator Germany
University of Bonn, PHOENICS Experiment, Germany
University of Bonn, Synchrotron Radiation Experiments, Germany
University of Bristol U.K.
University of Cambridge Computer Lab U.K.
University of Cambridge, Medical Research Council Applied Psychology Unit, U.K.
University of Copenhagen Denamrk
University of Copenhagen, Department of Medical Physiology, Denmark
University of Dortmund, Fachschaft Informatik, Germany
University of Durham
University of Edinburgh's EDINFO, Search Pages U.K.
University of Edinburgh's Information Service, EDINFO U.K.
University of Edinburgh, Institute for Computer Based Learning
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Germany
University of Glasgow U.K.
University of Glasgow Department of Aerospace Engineering U.K.
University of Glasgow, Society for Experimental Biology U.K.
University of Geneva CUI Switzerland
University of Geneva, Department of Anthropology Switzerland
University of Geneva IUHEI Graduate Institute of International Studies Switzerland
Universsity of Geneva, Laboratoire D'Analyse et de Technologie du Langage, Switzerland
University of Geneva, Tecfa Switzerland
University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education, CUHK
University of Kaiserslautern, AG-Hagen (Computer Graphics and CAGD), Germany
University of Kent Parallel Computing Archive at HENSA Unix U.K.
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain
University of Limburg, Department of Medical Informatics, Netherlands
University of Limburg, Faculty of Law and Informatics, Netherlands
University of London Computing Center ULCC U.K.
University of London, Imperial College, Advanced Languages and Architectures, U.K.
University of London, Royal Holloway College, Information Security Group, U.K.
University of Louvain (UCL) Belgium
University of Manchester U.K.
University of Manchester, Pharmacy Server (PharmWeb), U.K.
University of Macau
University of Melbourne Department of Economics Australia
University of Newcastle, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Australia
University of New South Wales, Australia
University of Oldenburg, Universitatsbibliothek, Germany
University of Osaka Prefecture Japan
University of Oslo, Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK), Norway
University of Padua, Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Italy
University of Paris LETIEF France
University of the Philippines (Diliman), Phillipines
University of Queenland, Australia
University of Regensburg, Lehrstuhl fur Kulturgeographie, Germany
University of Regensburg, STudents Information Exchange Regensburg (STIER), Germany
University of Ryukyu, Distributed Processing Laboratory, Japan
University of Southampton ILC U.K.
University of St Andrews U.K.
University of St. Andrews, Theory Group, U.K.
University of Stuttgart Germany
University of Tartu
University of Tasmania, Applied Computing, Australia
University of Technology (Sydney, Australia)
University of Tokyo Japan
University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus Japan
University of Trento, Italy
University of Tromsø, Norway; Department of Computer Science
University of Tsukuba, SHAKO, Japan
University of Twente, Laboratory for Network Theory and VLSI Design, Netherlands
University of Ulm, Fakultat Ingenieurwissenschaften, Germany
University of Ulster U.K.
University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory
University of Wales, Cardiff Star Formation Group U.K.
University of Wales, Swansea Computer Science Main Menu
University of Warwick Information Service U.K.
University of West Bohemia, Czech
University of Western Australia Department of Anthropology
University of Zurich UniZH Switzerland
University Technology Malaysia
Uppsala University Sweden
Uppsala University CMD, Center for Human Computer Studies Sweden
Victoria University of Technology, Australia
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam Introductie Scherm
Warsaw University, Physics Department Poland
Waseda University, Japan HUMANOID Project
York University Computer Science U.K.