- EA.COM (Electronic Arts)
- EAC.COM (EAC Connecting Point)
- EAI.COM (Engineering Animation, Inc.)
- EB.COM (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
- EBT.COM (Electronic Book Technologies)
- ECHO.COM (Echo Street (House))
- ECITELE.COM (Eci Telecom)
- ECOSOFT.COM (Eco Software, Inc.)
- EDITELCHI.COM (Editel Chicago)
- EDM.COM (Electronic Direct Marketing)
- EDS.COM (Electronic Data Systems)
- EFFICIENT.COM (Efficient Networks, Inc.)
- EFI.COM (Electronics for Imaging, Inc.)
- EGG.COM (T G & A)
- EICON.COM (Eicon Technology Corp.)
- EIFFEL.COM (Interactive Software Engineering Inc.)
- EIT.COM (Enterprise Integration Technologies Corp.)
- ELAN.COM (Elan Computer Group, Inc.)
- ELCSCI.COM (Electro Scientific Industries)
- ELECTRON.COM (Olwejo Consulting)
- ELF.COM (ELF Communications)
- ELIXIR.COM (Elixir Technologies Corporation)
- ELL.COM (Jim McBride)
- ELPRESS.COM (Electric Press, Inc.)
- ELSEVIER.COM (Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc.)
- EMAGIC.COM (Electric Magic Company)
- EMC.COM (EMC Corp.)
- EMI.COM (EMI Communications Corp.)
- EMPIRETECH.COM (Empire Technologies, Inc.)
- EMPRESS.COM (Empress Software Inc.)
- EMSS.COM (Energy Management System Services)
- EMULEX.COM (Emulex Corporation)
- ENCORE.COM (Encore Computer Corporation)
- END.COM (End Technologies)
- ENERGETIC.COM (Energetic Systems)
- ENEWS.COM (The Electronic Newsstand, Inc.)
- ENSEMBLE.COM (Ensemble Information Systems, Inc.)
- ENSONIQ.COM (Ensoniq Corporation)
- ENT-IMG.COM (CST Entertainment Imaging Inc.)
- EOSAT.COM (EOSAT (Earth Observation Satellite Company))
- EPILOGUE.COM (Epilogue Technology Corporation)
- EPRI.COM (Electric Power Research Institute)
- EPSILON.COM (Epsilon Data Management, Inc.)
- EQUATOR.COM (Equator Technologies, Inc.)
- EQUINOX.COM (Equinox Systems, Inc.)
- ERDAS.COM (Erdas, Inc.)
- ERICSSON.COM (Ericsson Network Systems, Inc.)
- ERINET.COM (ERI Computers)
- ES.COM (Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation)
- ESCA.COM (ESCA Corporation)
- ESCAPE.COM (Kazan Corporation)
- ESI.COM (Ellery Systems, Inc.)
- ESIX.COM (Esix Systems, Inc)
- ESKIMO.COM (Eskimo North)
- ESOFT.COM (eSoft, Inc.)
- ESQ.COM (ESQ Business Services, Inc.)
- ESSCOM.COM (Essential Communications)
- ETN.COM (Eaton Corporation)
- ETSINC.COM (Essential Technical Services, Inc.)
- EVEREST.COM (Everest Technology, Inc.)
- EVOLVING.COM (Evolving Systems, Inc.)
- EWORLD.COM (Electronic World Communications)
- EXA.COM (Exa Corporation)
- EXAR.COM (EXAR -Corporation)
- EXCHANGE.COM (Exchange Computers)
- EXECNET.COM (Cyllon Systems International, Ltd.)
- EXNET.COM (ExNet Systems Ltd)
- EXOC.COM (Expert Object Corp)
- EXPERSOFT.COM (Expersoft)
- EXPLORE.COM (Explore! Cruises and Expeditions)
- EXTENDSYS.COM (Extended Systems, Inc.)
- EYECON.COM (Eye Contact BBS)
- FAI.COM (Fujitsu America, Inc.)
- FAIL.COM (Failure Analysis Associates)
- FALCONS.COM (Falcon Systems Incorporated)
- FALLON.COM (Fallon McElligott)
- FALUDI.COM (Faludi Computing)
- FARALLON.COM (Farallon Computing Inc.)
- FARCES.COM (Arts & Farces)
- FASTCOMM.COM (Fastcomm New Jersey Research Center)
- FASTTAX.COM (Computer Language Research)
- FAULTLINE.COM (Faultline Software Group, Inc)
- FAXIMUM.COM (Faximum Software Inc.)
- FAXON.COM (The Faxon Company)
- FCR.COM (FCR, Inc.)
- FDML.COM (Fliesler, Dubb, Meyer & Lovejoy)
- FEDERATEDINV.COM (Federated Investors)
- FEDEX.COM (Federal Express Corporation)
- FEI.COM (Future Enterprises, Inc.)
- FEITH.COM (Feith Systems and Software, Inc.)
- FENRIS.COM (Fenris Computer Services, Inc.)
- FEPCO.COM (FEPCO Aviation)
- FERAL.COM (Feral Software)
- FFG.COM (The ForeFront Group, Inc.)
- FIE.COM (Federal Information Exchange, Inc.)
- FIGGIE.COM (Figgie International)
- FILENET.COM (FileNet Corporation)
- FILESHOP.COM (The File Shop)
- FIND.COM (Find / SVP)
- FINELINE.COM (Fineline PCB Design)
- FINTRONIC.COM (Fintronic USA, Inc.)
- FIRE.COM (B&B Enterprises)
- FIREFOX.COM (Firefox, Inc.)
- FIRMWORKS.COM (Firmworks)
- FIRSTFLOOR.COM (First Floor, Inc.)
- FISH.COM (fish)
- FLEETHOUSE.COM (Fleethouse)
- FLORINSA.COM (FLORINSA - Farms Corporation)
- FLUENT.COM (Fluent, Inc.)
- FLY.COM (FLY Technologies)
- FNBC.COM (First National Bank of Chicago)
- FNI.COM (Fujitsu Networking Industry)
- FOLEY.COM (Dr. Michael Foley)
- FOLIO.COM (Folio Corporation)
- FOOBAR.COM (FooBar Consulting)
- FORE.COM (Fore Systems, Inc.)
- FORMATION.COM (Formation Inc.)
- FORMTEK.COM (Formtek, Inc., A Lockheed Company)
- FORTEINC.COM (Forte Advanced Management Software, Inc.)
- FOUNDRY.COM (Intelligent Financial Perspectives, Inc.)
- FRACTAL.COM (Fractal Design Corp.)
- FRACTALS.COM (Robert Uomini)
- FRAME.COM (Frame Technology Corporation)
- FRANCE.COM (France Online)
- FRANZ.COM (Franz, Inc.)
- FREDNET.COM (FredNet Software)
- FREEDOM.COM (The Orange County Register)
- FRIDAY.COM (Friday Software & Consulting)
- FROB.COM (FrobTech, Inc.)
- FRONTIERTECH.COM (Frontier Technologies Corp)
- FROSTBYTE.COM (Frostbyte Software)
- FS.COM (Fourth Shift Corporation)
- FSC.COM (Ahlstrom Filtration, Inc.)
- FSE.COM (FutureSoft Engineering, Inc.)
- FSG.COM (Fusion Systems Group Ltd)
- FTP.COM (FTP Software, Inc.)
- FUENTEZ.COM (Fuentez Systems Concepts)
- FUJITSU.COM (Fujitsu Microelectronics)
- FULLFEED.COM (Fullfeed Communications)
- FULTECH.COM (Fulcrum Technologies Inc.)
- FUNHOUSE.COM (Funhouse Consultants)
- FUNK.COM (Funk Software)
- FUNSOFT.COM (Fundamental Software, Inc.)
- FUTRON.COM (Futron Corporation)
- FUTURENET.COM (Futurenet)
- FV.COM (First Virtual Holdings, Inc.)
- GAG.COM (Garbee and Garbee)
- GALLIUM.COM (Gallium Software Inc.)
- GALLUP.COM (Gallup, Inc)
- GAM.COM (Global Asset Management)
- GANNETT.COM (Gannett Company, Inc.)
- GARPAC.COM (Garpac Corp.)
- GATE.COM (Gateway To The World, Inc.)
- GAYLORD.COM (Gaylord)
- GBI.COM (Graphical Business Interfaces Inc.)
- GBN.COM (Global Business Network)
- GBNET.COM (NetTek)
- GBNETWORK.COM (Global Business Network)
- GCG.COM (Genetics Computer Group, Inc.)
- GCM.COM (Greenwich Capital Markets)
- GCOMM.COM (Galacticomm, Inc.)
- GCR.COM (Genuine Computing Resources)
- GCWF.COM (Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich)
- GDC.COM (General Data Comm)
- GDS.COM (Geomet Data Services)
- GDT.COM (GDT Softworks Inc.)
- GDT1.COM (Geographic Data Technology)
- GE.COM (General Electric Company)
- GEAC.COM (Geac Computer Corporation)
- GEL.COM (General Engineering Labs)
- GEMS.COM (The Computing Support Team, Inc.)
- GEMTECH.COM (Gemini Technology Corporation)
- GENE.COM (Genentech, Incorporated)
- GENERIC.COM (Generic Corp.)
- GENIE.COM (GEnie Internet RT)
- GENMAGIC.COM (General Magic, Inc.)
- GENRAD.COM (GenRad, Inc.)
- GENTECH.COM (General Technology Corporation)
- GEODESIC.COM (Geodesic Systems, Inc.)
- GEOMATICS.COM (Geomatics International Corp.)
- GI.COM (General Instrument Corp.)
- GIE.COM (Gulf Interstate Engineering)
- GISEDM.COM (GIS Solutions Inc.)
- GLOBALNEWS.COM (Internet Publishing Ltd.)
- GLOBALVILLAG.COM (Global Village Communication, Inc.)
- GLOBALWARE.COM (Globalware, Inc.)
- GMR.COM (General Motors Research Laboratory)
- GNN.COM (O'Reilly & Associates)
- GNP.COM (GNP Loudspeakers, Inc.)
- GOLDER.COM (Golder Associates Inc.)
- GOODYEAR.COM (The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.)
- GORDIAN.COM (Gordian)
- GPC.COM (Georgia Power Company)
- GRADIENT.COM (Gradient Technologies)
- GRCI.COM (General Research Corp.)
- GREATCIRCLE.COM (Great Circle Associates)
- GREENWOOD.COM (Greenwood Publishing Group)
- GROUP.COM (The Software Group Limited)
- GTA.COM (Global Technology Associates, Inc.)
- GTEFSD.COM (GTE Federal Systems Division)
- GTETEL.COM (GTE Tele. Operations Hdqts.)
- GTN.COM (Andreas Baess Systemintegration)
- GTOAL.COM (Edinburgh Software Products)
- GTSI.COM (Government Technology Services, Inc)
- GUPTA.COM (Gupta Technologies, Inc.)
- GVC.COM (GeoVision Corporation)
- GW.COM (The Gravity Well BBS)
- GWHA.COM (GW Hannaway & Associates)
- GWINNETT.COM (Gwinnett Computer Services)
- GZA.COM (Geer Zolot Associates)
- HABACO.COM (RCG/Hagler, Bailly)
- HAL.COM (Hal Computer Systems, Inc.)
- HALCYON.COM (Halcyon)
- HALEDORR.COM (Hale and Dorr)
- HAMILTON.COM (Hamilton Communications)
- HANDMADESW.COM (Handmade Software, Inc.)
- HAPPMIS.COM (Happ Management Information Systems, Inc.)
- HAPPYNET.COM (Richard Paul White)
- HARLEQUIN.COM (Harlequin Ltd.)
- HARRIER.COM (Harrier Softnet Ltd.)
- HARRIS.COM (Harris Corporation)
- HAVEN.COM (Mike O'Connor)
- HCIA.COM (HCIA (Health Care Investment Analysts, Inc.))
- HCL.COM (Hummingbird Communications Ltd.)
- HDS.COM (Human Designed Systems, Inc.)
- HDSHQ.COM (Hitachi Data Systems)
- HEA.COM (Hyundai Electronics America)
- HEAVA.COM (Hyundai Electronics America Video Audio)
- HEINLE.COM (Heinle & Heinle Publishers)
- HELFRICH.COM (The Helfrich Company)
- HELIX.COM (Helix Systems, Inc.)
- HEURIKON.COM (Heurikon Corporation)
- HEURISTICRAT.COM (Heuristicrats)
- HEURISTICS.COM (American Heuristics Corp.)
- HEVANET.COM (Hevanet)
- HFM.COM (Harry's Farmers Market)
- HIGHLAND.COM (Highland Digital)
- HILL.COM (Hill Assoc.)
- HITC.COM (Hughes Information Technology Company)
- HITECH.COM (Hitech Systems Inc.)
- HKS.COM (Hibbett, Karlson, and Sorensen Inc.)
- HLDS.COM (HLD Systems)