- SABREDATA.COM (Sabre Data, Inc.)
- SAGEPUB.COM (Sage Publications, Inc.)
- SAGUS.COM (Software AG of North America)
- SAI.COM (Shecora Associates, Inc.)
- SAIGON.COM (Vietnamese Engineers and Scientists Association)
- SAILBOATS.COM (Sail Boat Software)
- SAINC.COM (Strategic Analysis, Inc.)
- SANDERS.COM (Lockheed Sanders, Inc.)
- SANGOMA.COM (Sangoma Technologies Inc.)
- SARNOFF.COM (David Sarnoff Research Center)
- SAS.COM (SAS Institute, Inc.)
- SASKIA.COM (Saskia, Ltd.)
- SAV.COM (Savannah Electric & Power co.)
- SBC.COM (Southwestern Bell Corporation)
- SBCM.COM (Sumitomo Bank Capital Markets)
- SCALA.COM (Scala, Inc.)
- SCCSI.COM (South Coast Computing Services, Inc.)
- SCE.COM (Southern California Edison Co.)
- SCH.COM (Software Clearing House, Inc.)
- SCHOLASTIC.COM (Scholastic, Inc.)
- SCHREIBER.COM (Schreiber Instruments, Inc.)
- SCHULLER.COM (Manville/Schuller)
- SCHWAB.COM (Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.)
- SCIATL.COM (Scientific Atlanta)
- SCIENTECH.COM (Scientech, Inc.)
- SCIFI.COM (The Sci-Fi Channel)
- SCIVIZ.COM (Scientific Visualization Associates, Inc)
- SCO.COM (The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.)
- SCORE.COM (SCORE, c/o DynCorp)
- SCP.COM (SCP Communications, Inc.)
- SCRUZNET.COM (Santa Cruz Community Internet)
- SCSNET.COM (Southern Company Services)
- SCTCORP.COM (Systems and Computer Technology Corporation)
- SD.COM (Summit Design, Inc.)
- SDDI.COM (System Design and Development, Inc.)
- SDGE.COM (SDGE Corporate Headquarters)
- SDRC.COM (Structural Dynamics Research Corporation)
- SEACHANGE.COM (Sea Change Corporation)
- SEADA.COM (Software Engineering and Design Associates)
- SEASPACE.COM (SeaSpace Company)
- SEC.COM (Software Editing Corporation)
- SECAPL.COM (Security APL, Inc.)
- SEGAOA.COM (Sega of America)
- SEI.COM (Silicon Engineering, Inc.)
- SEIDEN.COM (Seiden and Associates, Inc.)
- SEMAPHORE.COM (Semaphore Software)
- SENSOR.COM (Sensor Systems, Inc.)
- SENTIENT.COM (Sentient Technologies, Unltd.)
- SEQUANA.COM (Sequana Therapeutics Inc)
- SEQUENT.COM (Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.)
- SEQUOIA.COM (Sequoia Systems, Inc.)
- SERENDIPITY.COM (Michael - Surkan)
- SERVICE.COM (Internet Distribution Services)
- SERVTECH.COM (Service Tech)
- SES.COM (Scientific and Engineering Software, Inc.)
- SFGATE.COM (The Gate)
- SGATE.COM (Collins International Service)
- SGI.COM (Silicon Graphics, Inc.)
- SGML.COM (SGML Associates, Inc.)
- SHAININ.COM (Shainin Consultants, Inc.)
- SHAKALA.COM (Don Hackler)
- SHELTER.COM (Mike O'Connor)
- SHERPA.COM (Sherpa Corp.)
- SHIVA.COM (Shiva Corporation)
- SHOCKWAVE.COM (Shockwave Engineering)
- SIERRAVISTA.COM (Sierra Vista Research)
- SIGG.COM (The Signature Group)
- SIGMASOFT.COM (SigmaSoft, Th. Lockert)
- SII.COM (System Integrators, Inc.)
- SILICON.COM (The Silicon Dreamland BBS)
- SILKROAD.COM (The Silk Road Group, Ltd.)
- SILLY.COM (Silly)
- SILVACO.COM (SILVACO Data Systems 4701 Patrick Henry Dr. Bldg #1 Santa Clara, CA 95054)
- SILVERPLATTER.COM (SilverPlatter Information, Inc.)
- SIMMONS.COM (Dana Simmons and Assoc.)
- SIMS.COM (S.I.M.S., Inc.)
- SIMWARE.COM (Simware, Inc.)
- SIO.COM (SIO Technologies Inc)
- SIREN.COM (Siren Software Corporation)
- SIRSI.COM (Sirsi Corporation)
- SJMERCURY.COM (San Jose Mercury News)
- SKEPSIS.COM (Robert A. Donahue)
- SKYPOINT.COM (Sky Point Communications)
- SLB.COM (Schlumberger Limited)
- SLMA.COM (Sallie Mae)
- SMALLTALK.COM (The Smalltalk Store)
- SMARTS.COM (Software Management Arts, Inc.)
- SMC.COM (Standard Microsystems Corporation)
- SNET.COM (Paradigm Communications, Inc.)
- SNOW.COM (Snow NetAccess Services)
- SNS.COM (Systems N' Software)
- SNT.COM (Software & Technologies, Inc.)
- SOFTDESK.COM (Softdesk, Inc.)
- SOFTINT.COM (software interfaces)
- SOFTRONICS.COM (Softronics Inc.)
- SOFTSOURCE.COM (Softsource, Inc.)
- SOFTWARE.COM (Software Now)
- SOLECT.COM (Solect Technology Group)
- SOLTECH.COM (Soltech Systems Corp)
- SOLUTIONS.COM (Rational Solutions)
- SONICSYS.COM (Sonic Systems)
- SONY.COM (Sony Corporation of America)
- SOPHISTS.COM (Sophists Solutions)
- SOSCORP.COM (SOS Corporation)
- SOUTHERN.COM (Southern Records, Inc.)
- SOVAM.COM (Pandora Systems)
- SPACEBBS.COM (Austin Scientific, Inc.)
- SPACECOM.COM (SpaceCom Systems)
- SPARC.COM (SPARC International)
- SPARCO.COM (Sparco Communications)
- SPATIAL.COM (Spatial Technology, Inc.)
- SPCC.COM (Shepard Poorman Communications Corp)
- SPCOM.COM (Sterling Payot Company)
- SPDCC.COM (S.P. Dyer Computer Consulting)
- SPEAKEZ.COM (SpeakEasy Software)
- SPECTRA.COM (Spectragraphics Corporation)
- SPEEDWARE.COM (Speedware Research & Development Incorportated)
- SPERRY-SUN.COM (Sperry Sun Drilling Services)
- SPI-USA.COM (Stanford Publications International)
- SPIES.COM (Spies in the Wire)
- SPR.COM (Software Productivity Research, Inc.)
- SPRING.COM (The Spring)
- SPRINT.COM (Sprint International)
- SPRINTMRN.COM (Sprint Managed Router Networks)
- SPROCKET.COM (Sprocket Labs, Inc.)
- SPRY.COM (Spry, Inc.)
- SPYGLASS.COM (Spyglass, Inc.)
- SQ.COM (SoftQuad Inc.)
- SQUARE1.COM (B Cubed)
- SRI.COM (SRI International)
- SRM.COM (Schroedinger's Research Module)
- SSAX.COM (System Software Associates, Inc.)
- SSDL.COM (Southwest Systems Development Laboratories)
- SSHARE.COM (Softshare)
- SSI1.COM (Silicon Systems Inc.)
- SSINC.COM (Systems & Synchronous, Inc.)
- STALTEC.COM (Stallion Technologies, Inc.)
- STARLIGHT.COM (Starlight Networks, Inc.)
- STARNET.COM (StarNet Communications Inc.)
- STARNINE.COM (StarNine Technologies)
- STARWAVE.COM (Starwave Corporation)
- STATSCI.COM (Statitical Sciences, Inc.)
- STD.COM (Software Tool and Die)
- STEINY.COM (Don Steiny Software)
- STEPTOOLS.COM (Step Tools Inc.)
- STERLING.COM (Sterling Software)
- STI.COM (Software Transformation, Inc.)
- STK.COM (Analytical GraphicsAnalytical Graphics)
- STONE.COM (Stone Design Corporation)
- STONEHAND.COM (Stonehand, Inc.)
- STONER.COM (Stoner Associates, Inc.)
- STORMTECH.COM (Storm Technology, Inc.)
- STORTEK.COM (Storage Technology Corporation)
- STRATA.COM (StrataCom Inc.)
- STRATUS.COM (Stratus Computer, Inc.)
- STV.COM (STV Corporation)
- STX.COM (Hughes STX Corporation)
- SUBPOP.COM (Sub Pop, Ltd.)
- SUMMITEC.COM (Summitec Corp.)
- SUMMSOFT.COM (Summit Software Company)
- SUN.COM (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
- SUNDANCE.COM (Sundance Multiprocessor)
- SUNNYSIDE.COM (Sunnyside Computing, Inc.)
- SUNQUEST.COM (Sunquest Information Systems)
- SUNRIVER.COM (SunRiver Corporation)
- SUNWORLD.COM (Sun Tech Journal)
- SUPRA.COM (Supra Corporation)
- SURFCITY.COM (System Consultants)
- SVCDUDES.COM (Software Ventures Corporation)
- SVS.COM (Sun Valley Software)
- SWAGMAN.COM (Wombat Software Guild)
- SWALES.COM (Swales & Associates, Inc.)
- SWARE.COM (SecureWare, Inc.)
- SWC.COM (Subject Wills & Co)
- SWCBBS.COM (Software Creations)
- SWPCO.COM (Southwest Publishing Company)
- SYBASE.COM (Sybase Incorporated)
- SYBEX.COM (Sybex, Inc.)
- SYMANTEC.COM (Symantec)
- SYNAXIS.COM (Compuware Services, Inc.)
- SYNERGYTICS.COM (Synergytics)
- SYNOPSYS.COM (Synopsys Inc.)
- SYNOPTICS.COM (SynOptics Communications, Inc.)
- SYNTEX.COM (Syntex, Inc.)
- SYSMAG.COM (Systems Magic Ltd.)
- SYSPLAN.COM (Sysyem Planning Corp)
- SYSTEMIX.COM (Systemix Software, Inc.)
- SYSTEMSIX.COM (Systems Six, Inc.)
- SYSTEMV.COM (System V)
- T3PLUS.COM (T3plus Networking, Inc.)
- TADPOLE.COM (Tadpole Technology, Inc.)
- TAGSYS.COM (TAG Systems Inc.)
- TAHOE.COM (Evergreen Internet Express,Inc.)
- TAILORED.COM (Tailored Solutions)
- TAIS.COM (Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.)
- TALIGENT.COM (Taligent, Inc.)
- TALUS.COM (Talus Corporation)
- TANDEM.COM (Tandem Computers, Inc.)
- TANGENT.COM (Tangent Computer, Inc.)
- TANIWHA.COM (Taniwha Systems Design)
- TAOS.COM (Taos Mountain Software)
- TASC.COM (The Analytic Sciences Corporation)
- TATUNG.COM (Tatung Science and Technology Inc.)
- TBE.COM (Teledyne Brown Engineering)
- TBIT.COM (TBIT Systems)
- TBO.COM (The Brown Organiztion)
- TBYTE.COM (Trilobyte)
- TCB.COM (TCB Corporation)
- TCFARM.COM (Taylor Country Farms, Ltd.)
- TCHK.COM (Team Concepts (Hong Kong) Limited)
- TCI.COM (Thomas Conrad Corporation)
- TCINC.COM (Telecommunications, Inc.)
- TCISOFT.COM (TCI Software Research, Inc.)
- TCNET.COM (Technetics Corporation)
- TCOMENG.COM (Telecommunications Engineering Associates)
- TCP.COM (The Commnet Project)
- TDE.COM (The Denver Exchange Inc)
- TE-CATS.COM (Transcription Enterprises Limited)
- TECHAPP.COM (Technology Applications, Inc.)
- TECHNOW.COM (Tech Now)
- TEK.COM (Tektronix Inc.)
- TEKAMAH.COM (Tekamah Corporation)
- TEKELEC.COM (Tekelec, Inc.)
- TEKNETIX.COM (Technetix, Inc.)
- TEKNOWLEDGE.COM (Knowledge Systems Div., Cimflex Teknowledge Corp.)
- TELAMON.COM (Telamon, Inc.)
- TELEBIT.COM (Telebit Corporation)
- TELECOMMUTE.COM (TeleCommuting Solutions)
- TELECONSULT.COM (Teleconsult Limited)
- TELEMATICS.COM (Telematics International)
- TELEPORT.COM (Teleport Corp.)
- TELERATE.COM (Dow Jones-Telerate)
- TELESCIENCES.COM (Telesciences CO Systems, Inc.)
- TELESTRAT.COM (Telestrategies Inc.)
- TELMAR.COM (Samuel Druker)
- TELOGY.COM (Telogy Networks, Inc.)
- TELOS.COM (Telos Corporation)
- TELOSPUB.COM (Telos/Springer-Verlag Publishers)
- TENON.COM (Tenon Intersystems)
- TERA.COM (Tera Computer Company)
- TERADYNE.COM (Teradyne, Inc.)
- TERRAPIN.COM (Terrapin Associates)